about me

Theo Theophanous

Happy to have comments that are not abusive on any of my many posts:

About me

As a migrant growing up in working Class Broadmeadows I decided very early that I wanted to make a difference to the lives and culture around me.

After fighting my way into politics as an ALP Member and then Minister and after all of the achievements, setbacks and challenges I still want to make a difference through dialogue.

A Media Commentator with dozens of Articles published in Mainstream Press

Provides strategic advice at CEO and Board level in Planning, ICT, Construction, Energy.

Victorian Member of Parliament for 22 years. Minister for nine years. 

Leader of the Opposition in the Upper House for five years.

Academic at LaTrobe University teaching Politics and Sociology. 

Ministerial Career Highlights

As Major Projects Minister oversaw:
·       Construction of projects such as Melbourne Recital Centre, AAMI Soccer/Rugby Stadium,  Latrobe University Research Centre

As Energy Minister:
·       Steered the establishment of National Electricity Regulation, Regulator based in Melbourne
·       Introduced the Victorian Renewable Energy Scheme
·       Supported construction of Wind Energy Facilities throughout Victoria
·       Construction of Basslink Electricity connection between Victoria and Tasmania

As Resources Minister:
·       Introduced legislation for geothermal energy production
·       Established trials for research into clean coal technology

As Industry and Trade Minister:
·       Negotiated Motor Vehicle Production packages for Ford, Toyota and GM
·       Negotiated Hybrid Energy Efficient Cars at Toyota
·       Negotiated packages to bring Etihad, Emirates, Tiger, Qatar and other Airlines to Victoria

As ICT Minister:
·       Negotiated packages for IBM Ballarat and other ICT Industry building projects
·       Helped establish the Supercomputer at Melbourne University

·       As Consumer Affairs and Small Business Minister:
·       Developed National Consumer Credit Legislation to protect  consumers
·       Introduction of Sunday Trading in Victoria.


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