A multicultural nation offers us prosperity - 26th February 2018 - Heraldsun

A multicultural nation offers us prosperity

Heraldsun 26th February 2018

ANGER is a defining emotion. You see it in the right wing nationalists who turn out to defend Australia Day by taking on the demonstrators. You see it when they turn up to oppose pro-asylum seeker, pro-multiculturalism and pro-immigration meetings.

You see it when “Reclaim Australia” angrily stirs up the crowd with claims that migrants are taking jobs, are criminals and terrorists who threaten our safety and cultural identity.
These slogans of the vocal few find their mark in the latent anger among the many who vote for Pauline Hanson and her ilk.

I believe the real source of anger among those most opposed to immigration and multiculturalism is that they think society has left them behind and they lash out at the wrong target.

The fact that most of the claims of the extremist groups are nonsense and can be — and often are — debunked does not diminish their appeal to some in our community. Indeed it only increases their anger.
Many are low paid workers struggling to care for their families and getting little support or understanding from government. They see some migrants getting better jobs, making more money or, most objectionably, gaining access to welfare paid for by hardworking Australians.

They begin to locate the source of their marginalisation, not in a failed political or economic system but in the migrants in the system. They become virulent opponents of multiculturalism and they latch on to any crime, any image of a covered woman or an African gang to justify their position.

I think we have failed these people, socially and politically. Mostly we have failed to educate them about what multiculturalism really is and its many benefits. Sadly there are some within our political system who would prefer they remained ignorant and angry.

So for the anti-multiculturalists out there and for those in the political system who seek to manipulate them, let me explain it to you. To understand multiculturalism we need to understand two concepts.

“Integration” is based on making sure that whoever lives here or comes here is integrated into our society. That means access to health, education, and other benefits. In turn they have an obligation to support our democratic and legal processes. We want them to learn English, to engage with us, to encourage their kids to succeed, make friends and yes, even play footy. Importantly they should adopt values of a fair go and respect for women.

But “Assimilation” is the idea that we all become exactly the same culturally. Full assimilation is when migrants become “true blue Aussies” and forget their original culture altogether. Multiculturalism supports the concept of integration but not of assimilation. Integration empowers everyone, not just migrants. But assimilation results in Australia missing out on the knowledge and creativity migrants bring. It would make Australia stale.

Imagine Melbourne without its annual Italian, Greek, Spanish, Chinese and other festivals. Imagine a Melbourne without its wonderful restaurants and diverse cuisines. Those are possible because people from other countries became integrated but did not lose their cultural heritage. And thank God for that.

Sidney Myer Music Bowl with Armenian Australian Natalie Aroyan

Recently I went to the Sidney Myer Music Bowl to hear an opera sung by Armenian Australian Natalie Aroyan and Italian Australian Rosario La Spina. They are world recognised. Rosario started work as a bricklayer and Natalie fought her way through to winning the Herald Sun Aria award. They mesmerised a crowd of thousands and were backed up by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, which includes musicians from many nations.

MELBOURNE has changed. Its journey is to more diversity, depth and interest in an integrated society that defends the rights of citizens to enjoy a liveable environment and a democratic political system.

Multiculturalism does not mean that mistreatment of children, men having four wives, female mutilation, domestic violence or other practices can be tolerated in its name. Nor can we tolerate wholly sexist, homophobic comments such as those of Anthony Mundine.

Multiculturalism can be the foundation that allows the best aspects of our diverse cultures to flourish. It is the means to make even our least well off more prosperous as we trade and engage the rest of the world. And it can free women who do not want to cover their faces or those suffering under the cultural yoke of people like Mundine.
For those who oppose it, I say, think about your anger and direct it to its real causes: a political and economic system that has not provided you with the opportunities you deserve — not a group of migrants who ultimately will become like us — but thankfully not entirely like us.

Blog with Theo at www.theo.theophanous.org


Unknown said…
Theo, honestly...what a unilateral, blinkered composition you concocted in the paper today. I think you have completely missed the point . No one is denying the tangible benefits of immigration, you and I and many others are the product of the gift of immigration , however, when our parents came it was because the country had a dire economic need and an imperative to grow. It seems that you are still stuck in this mind set. Immigration is now fuelled on accruing money for government coffers and significant enhancement of the bottom line for developers. You neglected to examine the negative aspects that immigration brings preferring instead to blame people who are struggling and your warped interpretation of sour grapes. I thought an educated person such as yourself would take in the breadth of the argument and not tackle such a monumental issue with a facile, flippant and inadequate response. It beggars the question ...what's the subtext to this?
P.s. how is Matthew ? I taught him many years ago at Thornbury High. I hope he is championing ahead.

Di Ferrara
Anonymous said…
this is great theo thanks
The issues surrounding multiculturalism are not the same as questions surrounding the amount of immigration and its composition. Many people conflate the two and oppose both. I hope you are not opposing multiculturalism.
PS. Matt is good. Will pass on your regards
Anonymous said…
Finally some clarity on a really important issue ..
Unknown said…
Fair enough...but I don't think that came through in your article. I really believe that the rate of immigration is far exceeding our ability to cope with it. I have to agree with Abbott...and Dick Smith. Politicians are pushing growth because they are too lazy or have no vision to work out other ways Australia can flourish. When I was growing up is this country, you didn't have to be on welfare to get free milk at school, free medical benefits for kids; my parents never harped on about how high our electricity and gas bills were etc. A bit of a digression but it seems to me that we are heading down a very precarious economic and social path. We need to severely limit immigration, take a breath and work out where are headed as a nation. I think we have lost our direction and identity to a large degree. Maybe I'm just nostalgic...

Thanks for taking time to reply

Anonymous said…
I guess you defend the same "multiculturalism" in non white countries or societies like Tibet, Amazonas tribes, northamerican tribes or Nigeria. Mixing this societies with other races should be good for them too? Or only for societies created for indigenous peoples of Europe? Im guessing the answer will be NO, because you are a racist, an antiwhite racist that is only happy when there is no more white people.